movement & meditation


Our in-person workshops are generally held at the North London Buddhist Centre on Holloway Road, N7.  The day or weekend focuses on a particular theme.  Our workshops are gently paced and are perfectly suitable for beginners as well as those with previous experience.  They are sometimes over-subscribed so early booking is recommended.  We continue to offer online workshops, where numbers are not restricted.

Next workshops:

Monthly in-person Sunday morning Qigong: The Internal vessels

Each of these monthly qigong workshops will begin with some general qigong to warm up and prepare the body before shifting focus to a particular theme or practice.  We will explore some of the Animal Frolics – playful forms inspired by the Tiger, the Bear, and so on.  We will look at practices oriented around the “energetic vessels”, such as the internal organs of the body, and the Five Elements.  There will be static and moving practices.  All will be suitable for the beginner and no previous experience of qigong is necessary.  There will be a break for tea, and time for questions and discussion.

For the June session we will spend some time with the zang fu, the internal organs.  As well as general movements and postures, we will explore a sequence specifically for one of the zang, which are seen as more significant than the fu, and we will look at the thinking behind the distinction.

Dates & Times: Sunday 14 July, 10am-12.30pm

Venue: North London Buddhist Centre, 72 Holloway Rd, London, N7 8JG

Cost: £25 (£18 concessions)

Booking: Through the North London Buddhist Centre – Tel: 020 7700 1177 / Web: www.northlondonbuddhistcentre.com

Contact: Richard on 07939 592 975 or e-mail for more information

North London Buddhist Centre